Sunday, March 16, 2008

Pages of a falling bird

Hmm…they say it’s a simple thing…well, I guess they’re wrong…..they have to be. Because, if it was…I would’ve known. I fell through that window, yes the same window…again and again… not knowing if it was real, not knowing even what the next 5 seconds are going to be like. The very presence of such uncertainty made it feel as if … this was it. Everything thing you’ve ever heard, seen or felt … negates itself so quickly, the after-thoughts don’t even get a chance to evaporate, you start rushing into feelings, the ones you’ve always yearned for. But then, you start wondering, what good have you done to deserve this, why should you suddenly get what you want… is this a setup…a joke… not funny! ... Exhausting every inch of logic in your head… in your heart. But I guess…that’s where you’re making the mistake. There’s no logic in this frame, not in your heart, not in anyone’s heart. But you keep looking… through those endless parallel streets filled with dried leaves and sorry’s and thank you’s, through those empty bottles of emotions… the same ones you once finished celebrating better times and wishing for more… you search through every syllable of sense you’ve ever lived… ever survived… you recall all those nights when you were one ... and all those black and blue promises that you made…the ones you kept… and the ones you left… all those moments when you failed… failed to acknowledge that you have no control…that you are not at the loose end of the string… someone else holds the key to you… you keep looking till you are left with empty hands … and when you have nothing to look for…even after you’ve looked for your reflection in the tear drop that trembled out of your guilty eyes just a few seconds ago … you cant do anything but believe that this is IT. Every moment counts, every action lives. You stop being careful, you say not what you want to say, not what you’re told to, caressed by the clutch of destiny, you pour out your feelings. Each and every second of each and every minute compels you to be you. No longer can you pretend… this is IT.

You’re thinking about love… funny thing is… I never mentioned love.

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